The history of accountancy is a story of responding to new market opportunities, changing demands and expectations, and new legal requirements. Climate change is increasingly becoming an important consideration as capital providers better understand that climate change presents both material risks and opportunities to businesses in the short-, medium- and long-terms.
Climate change can no longer be viewed in isolation from business processes, functions or reporting channels, presenting both new challenges and opportunities for the accountancy profession. Companies and investors are looking towards accountants to provide the expertise on how to incorporate climate-related issues into financial planning.
Accountants are already well-equipped to play an essential role in preparing company policies, developing business cases, and in identifying, measuring and managing climate-related business risks. This includes developing and using management accountancy systems to collate climate-related data and information with the same rigour as financial data and information. Accountants can guide reporting entities to meet the demands of increased transparency, by helping to provide and present relevant and reliable information in a meaningful, consistent and comparable manner.
Enrol in this course to obtain a better understanding of the role of accountants and how this might be applied to your role.
First complete Course 1 and Course 2 to obtain a better understanding of climate-related reporting.